Tea Break Tutorials
Join Alan Titchmarsh in a new Tea Break Tutorial podcast series
Join Alan Titchmarsh in a new Tea Break Tutorial series as he explores key gardening issues from combatting slugs and snails, to pond care, summer pruning, feeding and dividing plants, deadheading flowers and growing vegetables for winter. Here's your handy expert guide to gardening.
Episode 8 – Dividing plants
Grab a cup of tea, sit down and hear when and how Alan divides plants.
Episode 7 – Pond care
Grab a cup of tea, sit down and hear how Alan cares for ponds.
Episode 6 – Growing veg for winter
Grab a cup of tea, sit down and learn what veg Alan grows for winter.
Episode 5 – Feeding plants
Grab a cup of tea, sit down and discover how Alan feeds his plants.
Episode 4 – Deadheading
Grab a cup of tea, sit down and find out how Alan keeps his plants flowering for longer.
Episode 3 – Watering Wisely
Grab a cup of tea, sit down and listen to Alan's advice on how to water wisely.
Episode 2 – Summer pruning
Grab a cup of tea, sit down and listen to Alan describe how and what to prune in the summer.
Episode 1 – Slugs and snails
Grab a cup of tea, sit down and listen to how Alan deals with slugs and snails.

Year Planner 2025 on sale
Starting to plan your gardening year? The Year Planner 2025 is packed with expert advice from the Gardeners’ World team, to ensure you have your best gardening year yet.

New podcast series
Join Monty and the team for advice on winter gardening, tulips, caring for birds, house plants and more in the new BBC Gardeners' World Magazine podcast series.