When we asked our readers what gardening mistakes they made this year, hundreds of people responded. We’ve analysed the responses and found the ten most common mistakes, from pruning too hard and overwatering to buying too many plants and being overwhelmed by weeds and slugs. Find out how to avoid making these mistakes this year with our solutions.
Late sowing causes problems such as small harvests, small fruits and immature crops. Some crops, such as tomatoes, need a long growing season, and a late sowing can result in a lot of green tomatoes that haven’t ripened before autumn.
If the weather is dull and cold consider investing in a heated propagator or mat to increase germination rates indoors. When sowing direct, keep an eye on weather forecasts. For crops like broccoli, which needs a long growing period, if it’s a cold or wet spring, it may be worth sowing indoors into modules and transplanting seedlings when the weather improves.
If limited time is the issue, start small, growing only a few vegetables – either the ones you most like to eat or those that are most expensive to buy. January is a good time to plan ahead. Look up ideal sowing times for the veg or flowers you want to grow and mark sowing times on your calendar. Organising seed packets into sowing months can also act as a useful reminder.
If the spring or summer is particularly wet, slug populations can increase rapidly. Seedlings and young plants are at most risk from slug attacks as well as mature plants such as hostas which are often targeted by slugs. There are several ways to tackle slugs. Keeping on top of populations early will help but bear in mind that slugs also provide food for wildlife.
Overwatering plants like tomatoes can lead to problems such as blossom end rot, while too much water for plants that thrive in dry conditions, such as lavender and succulents, can lead to root rot. Stick your finger into a container to check that the top 3cm of compost is dry before watering. Drought tolerant plants should only need regular watering until established. For fruit and vegetables, keep an eye on the weather forecast to make sure you’re not watering just before heavy rainfall.
Under-watering can also lead to plant problems – symptoms can include shrivelled leaves, a drooping plant and slow growth. Plants in containers will need more regular watering than those in the ground, even after rain, as the water may not get down to the plants’ roots. For those in the ground, focus on watering new plants, aiming the water at the plant’s roots rather than watering from above.
The best way to keep on top of weeds is to tackle them early. Use a weedling ID chart and dig out early weeds as soon as they emerge in the spring. Tackle weeds little and often before plants start to put on growth and make it harder to spot weeds in your borders.
Pruning can help keep vigorous plants under control, as can dividing any large clumps of herbaceous perennials that have become overgrown. If you find you are continually pruning a shrub to keep it under control, it may be worth removing it and replacing it with something more manageable.
It can be hard to resist buying a new plant at a flower show or garden centre, but if you don’t have time to plant them it can be an expensive occupation. If you need new plants, but don’t have time to plant them, heel them in (plant them temporarily) until you have time to plant them in their final position. If the problem is procrastination, because you’re not sure where the plants should go, making a planting plan in January when there is less to do in the garden could help. Take pictures throughout the year to identify any gaps in your displays, then make a list of the plants you need, rather than buying on impulse. If the problem is time based, focus on keeping the plants healthy in their pots until you have time to plant them. Don’t let them dry out, move them out of full sun and prioritise plants that are likely to deteriorate first.
Coming back from holiday to find all your potted plants are dead is not the way to end a relaxing break. A holiday where you optimistically count on a bit of rain is bound to coincide with a heatwave. Aside from asking neighbours and friends to come in and water every few days there are other options.
Setting up an irrigation system with a timer can be an efficient way to ensure your plants survive your holiday. For veg such as greenhouse-grown tomatoes, there are gravity-fed watering systems with drippers, which can water up to six plants. Moving pots into the shade before you leave and grouping containers will help reduce evaporation – and make it easier for anyone who may be doing your watering for you.
Placing plants in the wrong place, such as too close together or in conditions they don’t like is an easy mistake to make. It can be difficult to imagine that the small shrub you bought at the garden centre will ever spread to a metre wide, but not allowing enough space for plants will create a lot of future work if you have to transplant perennials and shrubs to new locations, and plants that grow too big for their space can shade out neighbouring plants. Check the height and spread before planting and check the plant will have enough room once mature.
Following the mantra, ‘Right plant, Right place’ may mean you can’t grow all your favourite plants, but a plant that thrives in clay soil will always struggle in sandy soil and gardening will be easier, cheaper and more satisfying if you buy the right plants for your garden from the outset. Do a soil test for pH, check your soil’s consistency and how much sun the planting area gets before buying anything.
The best way to protect plants from birds such as pigeons is to use netting or put up a fruit cage. Netting placed over hoops or bamboo canes to create a frame can prevent birds from eating ripening fruit or feeding on the leaves of brassicas. Use a fine mesh netting if you have a problem with insects such as caterpillars. This can prevent butterflies laying eggs on the leaves of brassicas. The alternative is to pick eggs and insects off by hand. Unless insect infestations are severely affecting plants, it’s beneficial to your garden’s ecosystem to tolerate some insect pests, as they provide food for birds. Creating a wildlife-friendly garden can help reduce pests.
There are lots of ways to make gardening more low-maintenance. If you feel like you’re continually behind, why not look at ways to cut down your gardening to-do list. Here’s a few ideas:
The most common results of pruning mistakes are overgrown shrubs, lack of flowers and excessive leafy growth. Check your plant’s pruning needs before making any cuts. Some common mistakes include:
Gardens and planted areas in towns and cities are effective at absorbing rainwater and preventing soil erosion. Their ability to take up water reduces the amount that the drainage systems have to cope with and helps avoid flooding in and around our homes. With the government predicting that the severity of flood events is likely to worsen over the next few decades, and that they will become more frequent, it’s important that we use our gardens wisely to help prevent floods.
Removing planted borders and replacing them with large areas of paving affects the capacity of our gardens to absorb rainwater and increases the risk of flooding. If the majority of gardens in a road install impermeable paving (such as in front gardens to provide parking for cars) it can have a significant impact on the amount of surface runoff, which then increases the likelihood of flooding. But there are many types of permeable surfaces which minimise the impact on water absorption, such as grass reinforcement (protects grass from being damaged by vehicle wheels), permeable block pavers, or matrix (or cellular) pavers.
Removing areas between the paving provides space for planting pockets, which act as drainage areas. Low growing, resilient plants such as creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum), heath pearlwort (Sagina subulata), Corsican mint (Mentha requienii) and creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia) can be planted in these pockets to create interest and aid drainage. Another way to enable water to drain away is by using a permeable surface like gravel, which also provides areas for planting and a surface for car parking.
Gardens with very few plants are more likely to have issues with flooding. Planted areas help water to filter into the ground so there is less runoff. Plants take up water and aerate the soil, enabling it to absorb more water. Evergreen plants require more water during the winter than deciduous plants, which will have lost their leaves, so it’s a good idea to include evergreens in your planting scheme to help absorb water all year round. One study suggested that hedges consisting of yew (Taxus baccata), Cotoneaster franchetii, privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium) and western red cedar (Thuja plicata) had a good ability to absorb water.
Some trees and shrubs have high rates of evapo-transpiration (how they take up water and release it into the atmosphere). These are useful to plant in areas prone to flooding and, according to the RHS, include species such as Forsythia x intermedia and hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna).
When soil becomes compacted, it significantly affects its ability to absorb water. Instead of draining away through the ground, water runs straight over the surface creating flooding problems. Avoid this problem by not walking on soil when it’s wet, avoiding using heavy machinery, and installing paths or stepping stones across lawns.
To improve the condition of soil that has already become compacted, aerate lawns using a garden fork or lawn aerator, switch to no-dig gardening, plant a green manure on bare ground, or add an organic mulch that will help break down the soil structure as it becomes incorporated into the existing soil.
If your plot includes large areas dedicated to garden buildings such as sheds or home offices, it can exacerbate drainage issues and lead to flooding. This risk is worth considering before you add buildings to the garden, but if you already have lots of ground covered with buildings, try installing a green roof to help absorb rainwater before it comes in contact with the ground. Water butts are an excellent way to harvest rainwater from buildings and they providing a sustainable, free source of water for plants.
A garden without water butts misses out on the opportunity to harvest rainwater. Water butts on a house can collect a large amount of water (24,000 litres or more a year) and there are many different sizes, including designs for small spaces and wall-mounted water butts. This prevents the need to use mains water for plants, and reduces the amount of rainwater that the earth needs to absorb, thereby helping to prevent flooding issues.
]]>Japanese knotweed has bamboo like stems and heart-shaped leaves that are around 14cm long. Its botanical name is Reynoutria japonica, also known as Fallopia japonica. This rapidly spreading weed was originally brought to Britain in the 19th century as an ornamental garden plant. It’s now classified as an invasive species. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 states: ‘it is an offence to plant or cause this species to grow in the wild’.
Japanese knotweed is often confused with other plants. Here’s a few of the most commonly mistaken plants, plus our tips on how to tell the difference between them and Japanese knotweed.
This non-native vigorous climber can reach 10m in height, and spread 5-8m. Although it is an ornamental plant, grown for its white flowers, and it isn’t invasive, it does have the potential to become a problem due to its vigorous growing habit. Russian vine is native to Asia and a close relative of Japanese knotweed.
Similarities: it has similar shaped leaves and white flowers.
Differences: the leaves are slightly more arrow shaped and it doesn’t have tall stiff stems, as it’s a climbing vine.
Himalayan balsam is a non-native, invasive annual that used to be grown as an ornamental plant in Britain. It’s now considered a weed and often found along waterways.
Similarities: Himalayan balsam grows to similar heights as Japanese knotweed, up to 2.5m. The stems are also hollow with red tints.
How to tell them apart: Unlike Japanese knotweed, the flowers of Himalayan balsam are pink and purple. Its leaves are long and thin, instead of heart shaped, and arranged opposite each other.
It is an offence to plant or otherwise cause to grow these species in the wild. You should stop them spreading from your garden and avoid purchasing or accepting gifts of these species.
Bindweed is a perennial weed but also a native wildflower. Its flowers are beneficial to wildlife but its twining stems can strangle other plants and it can quickly spread through a garden. It’s difficult to get rid of due to its ability to grow back from small pieces of root.
Similarities: large heart-shaped leaves that are arranged alternately on the stem. It can also grow back from tiny pieces of root.
Differences: bindweed climbs and does not have stiff stems. The flowers are funnel-shaped instead of held on long spires.
Houttuynia cordata is a perennial that’s native to countries in south-east Asia, including Japan, where it grows in shady, moist areas. It isn’t invasive but can get out of control in gardens as it spreads through underground rhizomes. Grow it in containers to restrict its growth.
Similarities: it has heart-shaped leaves and and white flowers.
Differences: the flowers are larger than those of Japanese knotweed, with yellow flowers spikes and white bracts that look like petals, but the main difference is in height. Houttuynia cordata only grows to 30cm, whereas Japanese knotweed reaches heights of 2.5m.
Leycesteria formosa is native to parts of Asia including China and Tibet and although vigorous, isn’t considered invasive in the UK. It’s an easy to grow shrub that will thrive in a range of soils, in either sun or partial shade.
Similarities: similar looking, hollow stems that grow to 2m or more, and leaves that are alternately placed.
Differences: the leaves themselves are narrower than those of Japanese knotweed with pendulous purple and white flowers.
Persicaria campanulata, also known as Koenigia campanulata, is a perennial that’s native to the Himalaya region. It has pink flowers July to September and is a good plant for suppressing weeds in the border. It’s not invasive, but does spread through nodes on the plant’s stem, which put down roots when they touch the ground. It’s easy to pull out if it gets too big for its spot.
Similarities: it has similar stems and leaf arrangement.
Differences: the leaves are long and thin with visible veins and the flowers are larger than Japanese knotweed, and bell shaped.
Broad leafed dock is from the same family as Japanese knotweed, but although it spreads easily, it does so by seed dispersal rather than rhizomes. It’s native to Britain and considered a problematic weed, but it is more of a problem on farm land than in gardens.
Similarities: in winter the dead stems look similar to the winter stems of Japanese knotweed. The plant has similar flower spikes, although broad leafed dock has green and red flowers.
Differences: the stems of broad leafed dock are not hollow and the leaves are larger, forming in rosettes near the ground as well as up the stem.
Gardening can be labour intensive, but making changes to the way you deal with watering, weeding and pruning, along with clever plant choices, can make your garden more low maintenance. You can make small changes, like swapping high maintenance plants like dahlias and roses, with easy long flowering perennials or evergreen shrubs. Or make a big change, like getting rid of your lawn and embracing a gravel garden.
The type of garden that is easiest to maintain is one where the plants are as self sufficient as possible, with less need for watering or deadheading, and there are simple plant displays that offer long lasting interest. You can also use mulch, such as bark chippings or gravel, to keep weeds down.
Whether you’re planning a new garden or making changes to an existing one, prioritise what you most enjoy, whether that’s veg gardening or planting up pots. Leave time for these activities and make the rest of your outdoor space easy and quick to manage. Here’s a few ideas of how to make your garden more low-maintenance.
Evergreen shrubs not only provide structure and winter interest in the garden, but they’re also a low maintenance plant. Choose shrubs that are slow growing and don’t need much pruning, such as abelias and pittosporum. Look also for shrubs that don’t need deadheading, such as fuchsias.
Sowing vegetables from seed is budget friendly, but it can take time, especially if you grow labour intensive vegetables like tomatoes, which need to be potted on several times. Save time by buying vegetable plug plants, which can be planted direct outdoors. For tender veg, wait until the danger of frosts is over. If you only need a few tomato or kale plants, for example, it can be much easier to buy a strip of plug plants.
Fruit such as strawberries, rhubarb, gooseberries and currants provide a crop every year but need little attention after planting. Choose low maintenance fruit and you’ll get an easy harvest for very little effort. Strawberry plants may need replacing after three or four years, but otherwise they are easy to look after, while gooseberries and currants just need light pruning in winter.
If bending down is a problem or you are planning a garden for elderly gardeners, raised beds are a good option. This brings the soil level up to a more accessible height, making planting and weeding easier.
Large pots will dry out more slowly than small ones, so you won’t have to water them as often. Make a focal point with a big container, using one or two plants that can stay in year round. This will cut down on the amount of seasonal planting you need to change.
Choose reliable plants such as hardy geraniums or hebes that don’t need lots of attention to thrive. Look for plants with an RHS Award of Garden Merit, which is given to plants that perform well. Make sure you choose plants that suit the conditions in your garden. This will cut down on the amount of time you spend maintaining plants.
Lay a mulch around and between plants to suppress weeds. There’s a wide range of mulches that can help keep weeds at bay and they have the added benefit of retaining moisture in the soil. These include home-made garden compost, gravel and woodchips or bark. Organic mulches will also release nutrients over time and improve the structure of your soil.
Using ground cover plants is another way to suppress weeds. Avoid leaving bare patches in your borders where weeds can establish and flourish. Low maintenance ground cover plants include Persicaria bistorta, which is quick to spread and also flowers for months, from April to August, or for shade, Ajuga reptans is a good pick.
If you have limited time swap your lawn for a gravel garden – a great choice if you want low-maintenance landscaping. Lawns can be one of the most labour intensive parts of the garden, whereas drought tolerant plants in a gravel garden need little care once established. The gravel should also help to keep down weeds.
Set up an automatic irrigation system for your containers and save time on watering, especially during summer when pots will need to be watered every day in hot weather. Irrigation systems can also be connected to a timer.
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To book call: 01844 277200*
Quote: GW Lunch
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*Lines are open Monday-Friday 9 – 5.30pm
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]]>This BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine Exclusive Tour of Dorset and Somerset is designed to give you a full taste of the West Country’s garden life. These counties are rich in beautiful countryside, picturesque towns and villages, and a plethora of superb gardens offering a variety of styles.
Discover the subtropical gardens at Abbotsbury and the formal Italianate gardens at Mapperton, explore private gardens reflecting past and present owners’ tastes, and a walled garden project on the Isle of Purbeck.
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PLEASE NOTE: This tour has been graded as moderate, involving a large amount of walking, with little or no access to assistance. Please bear this in mind when booking.
*Post-tour extra nights are available at a supplement
Tour dates: 22-26 September, 2025
Price: From £1,459pp*
Or call to book, quoting code GWDSJAN25 on 020 7553 6945
PLEASE NOTE: This tour has been graded as moderate, involving a large amount of walking, with little or no access to assistance. Please bear this in mind when booking.
*Post-tour extra nights are available at a supplement
Organised by and subject to booking conditions of Travel Editions Tours Ltd. Experts/locations may be substituted. All timings are approximate, and order of itinerary may vary according to local conditions and tour manager’s discretion. The tour price is based on a minimum of 35 and maximum of 40 people. Price excludes holiday insurance, transfers, meals other than those stated, items of a personal nature such as drinks, laundry, calls etc, porterage and gratuities. *Pricing from £1,459 per person based on twin/double share. Optional extra night in twin/double: £143 (B&B). Optional extra night in double for sole use: £257 (B&B). Double room for sole use for the tour: £457.
Parsley root (Petroselinum crispum var tuberosum) is a useful hardy winter vegetable, grown for its tasty edible roots which are long, white and tapered, topped with green leaves that are similar to flat-leaf parsley. Other names for parsley root include Hamburg parsley, because it is a popular vegetable in Germany, parsnip-rooted parsley, and turnip-rooted parsley. In flavour, the roots are like parsnip, although the texture is creamier and the flavour is sweeter, often described as nutty, carrotty, or like celery. The root is high in fibre and is not reported to have adverse side effects on digestion. Add parsley root to soups and stews, cook and use as a side dish, or look for parsley root recipes online.
Parsley root is different – although related to – the leafy type of parsley that is widely grown as an herb. In appearance, the roots are similar to a parsnip, though slimmer, and lacking the woody core that a parsnip has. Mature roots of parsley root are around 15-20cm long and 5cm in diameter. The leaves of parsley root form a clump that grows to around 45cm high. They look similar to flat-leaf parsley and can be used in much the same way.
Grow parsley root in moist but well-drained, moderately fertile soil, in full sun to partial shade. Parsley root needs a long growing season so sow seed in early spring for an autumn to winter harvest.
Grow parsley root in sun or partial shade, in good, deep, fertile soil.
Parsley root needs a long growing season. Sow seed in early spring for an autumn to winter harvest. Sow direct where plants are to grow on well-prepared soil, that’s free from stones and has not been manured recently as this could cause the roots to fork. If the soil is heavy, warm it beneath cloches for three weeks before sowing. If it’s prone to water-logging, mound up the soil to increase drainage, and sow seed on the top. Sow the seed in rows, 1cm deep and with 30cm between rows. Seed may be slow to germinate and can take up to a month to appear.
Once seedlings appear, thin to around 23cm apart. Weed regularly to stop weeds competing with them for water and nutrients. Parsley root needs to be kept moist so water regularly and thoroughly during dry spells.
You can pick parsley root leaves throughout the growing season and use them like flat leaf parsley.
The roots are ready to harvest from late autumn and into winter, depending on when the seeds were sown. Harvest one or two to start with to see how long they are – ideally they should be around 12-15cm long. You can use them straight away or store them somewhere dark and cold for several months, you can also leave them in the ground until you need to use them. The roots will keep in the fridge for up to three weeks and can also be frozen.
While parsley root is not susceptible to particular pests or diseases, slugs may be attracted to the young plants, especially at the seedling stage, so protect with barriers such as copper or slug-resistant mulch, or use wildlife-friendly slug pellets, which are made using ferrous phosphate.
While parsley root is similar to parsnip in appearance, the two plants are botanically quite different, as is indicated by their botanical names: Petroselinum crispum var tuberosum (parsley root) and Pastinaca sativa (parsnip). In size and shape, parsley root is long and slender, while parsnip is shorter and broader, with a sunken top.
Both roots and leaves of parsley root can be eaten, but parsley root or Hamburg parsley mustn’t be confused with leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum) where only the stems and leaves are good to eat.
]]>Kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa and Actinidia arguta) is delicious and nutritious, being particularly rich in vitamin C. Kiwi fruits grow on climbing vines, not trees, and bear heart-shaped leaves and pretty white flowers. Vigorous growers, kiwis can be planted to cover a wall, fence, pergola or unsightly shed, as long as they get plenty of sunshine and warmth.
Native to China, kiwis were once known as ‘Chinese gooseberry’ and seeds were collected by Victorian plant hunters to grow in the UK and New Zealand. While initial UK trials proved unsuccessful, owing to the production of only male plants, the New Zealand Chinese gooseberry industry took off, and by the 1950s these fruits were soon exported all over the world. During the Second World War, however, the term ‘Chinese gooseberry’ became unpopular, and so the fruits were renamed ‘kiwi fruit’ after the brown fuzzy bird native to New Zealand. They remain a popular crop in New Zealand today but are just as happy growing in the UK, as long as there are male and female plants, or you choose a self-fertile variety.
The most reliable kiwi fruit varieties to grow in the UK are ‘Hayward’, ‘Atlas’ and ‘Jenny’. ‘Jenny’ is probably the easiest of all as it’s self-fertile and doesn’t need a pollination partner.
Grow kiwi fruit in moist but well-drained, slightly acidic soil in full sun, ideally in open ground but they can also be grown in a large pot. Kiwis are hungry plants so mulch with well-rotted manure or compost in spring and feed weekly with a high potash fertiliser in summer – this is especially important if growing in a container. Harvest the fruits from August to September.
Kiwi plants do best in a sunny, sheltered spot. Soil should be rich, fertile and slightly acidic, although they will tolerate neutral soil. Kiwis do better when the soil is moist but their roots can be prone to rotting so ensure the soil is well-drained. However, they will need extra watering in a dry summer.
The best time to plant a kiwi vine is in mid-spring, when the soil has warmed up after winter. Dig a generous hole, adding in a few spadefuls of well-rotted manure, then plant your kiwi at the same depth it was growing previously. Add support and tie existing stems to it, giving them plenty of space to grow. If you have room for a male and female vine, make sure they’re planted a few metres apart so they have plenty of room to climb. Otherwise, for smaller spaces, opt for self-fertile ‘Jenny’.
To plant in a pot, use a peat-free, ericaceous compost and add well-rotted manure or compost for a nutritional boost. Take care to ensure your kiwi sits at the same depth it was growing in its original pot, backfill with compost and firm gently, then water thoroughly and allow to drain. Add a support, such as an obelisk, and tie existing stems to it as per the instructions below, giving them plenty of space to grow. Aim for a pot size of at least 30l so the roots have plenty of compost to grow into.
A well-trained kiwi vine has a main trunk, from which permanent cordons and fruiting side-shoots grow. They do well when trained as espaliers on horizontal wires, with horizontal branches growing out from the main, vertical stem. Side-shoots will develop from the horizontal branches and will bear fruit. Kiwi vines also do well when trained up an obelisk or series of sturdy canes, however the main training principle remains: aim for a main trunk from which stems and fruiting side shoots develop.
Take the strongest shoot, which will form your main trunk, and tie this to its support at regular intervals. Then, aim for one ‘cordon’ branch to grow on either side of the main trunk, whether you’re training it horizontally as a cordon or up an obelisk. Tie these in thoroughly and prune out the rest. Shorten these cordons to 60cm in the first winter. Fruiting side-shoots should grow out from these and can be tied in to the wires.
Then, every winter, cut back, leaving 60cm of new growth, until they each reach a maximum length of 2m. After this time, cut back each cordon to 2m each winter.
You will also need to prune your kiwi in summer, tying in vines and removing any vigorous shoots from the main trunk and side shoots. Then remove any thin, crossing or damaged stems, ensuring your vine has a good open habit with plenty of air flow through and around it. Finally, once the fruit has set, pinch back the side shoots, leaving four to five leaves beyond the maturing fruit.
Despite being an exotic fruit, kiwis are relatively easy to look after. Water thoroughly and regularly for the first two years, then afterwards water during dry weather, as this will encourage more fruit to develop.
In spring, mulch with well-rotted manure or compost to boost the nutrient content of the soil.
In summer you may want to feed weekly with a high potash fertiliser such as a tomato feed to encourage more flowers and fruit to develop. This isn’t really necessary if your kiwi is growing in a fertile open soil but is important if your kiwi is growing in a pot.
In late winter to early spring protect young shoots from frosts, which can be damaged as they start to open. Use hessian sacking or horticultural fleece and drape this over the branches.
Follow pruning advice to ensure your kiwi is productive, above.
Kiwis are tough, reliable plants and are relatively trouble-free in terms of pests and diseases. But keep an eye out for the following problems:
Leaf drop, caused by drought or drying winds – grow in a sheltered spot and water thoroughly in dry periods.
Yellowing leaves, caused by nutrient deficiencies – feed with an all-purpose fertiliser and mulch annually with compost or well-rotted manure.
Frost damage, which can affect new leaf shoots in early spring – cover with horticultural fleece or hessian to protect the shoots.
Fungal diseases such as honey fungus and root rot – grow in well-drained soil to prevent root rot.
Kiwi vines take up to four years to produce fruit, so they’re a long-term investment. But, from its first fruiting, kiwi plants should produce a good crop year after year, as long as they are growing in rich soil and are watered during dry spells.
Kiwis need a long summer for the fruits to ripen. If they don’t ripen, simply remove the fruits and let them ripen at home for a few weeks.
To harvest kiwis, pick the fruits in August and September and leave them to ripen off the vine for a few weeks before eating them.
You can store unripe kiwi fruits in a cool place or in the fridge up for three months. To ripen kiwis, leave them at room temperature. To store ripe kiwis, pop them in your crisper drawer in the fridge, where they will last for a few days longer than they would at room temperature.
You can freeze kiwi fruit but the texture of the fruit changes so the defrosted fruit is suitable for use in smoothies only. Simply peel and slice the kiwis and place the slices in single layers on a tray lined with baking parchment. Pop in the freezer for a couple of hours and then transfer to an airtight container to store for up to three months.
Actinidia deliciosa ‘Jenny’ – the best self-fertile, hardy kiwi variety, bearing fuzzy fruits that we recognise as kiwis. The fruits are ready to harvest in August and September
Actinidia arguta ‘Issai’ – the ‘cocktail’ kiwi, commonly found in Asia, ‘Issai’ produces small fruits, the size of grapes. These ripen slightly earlier than other types of kiwi, and have smooth skin. They are sweeter than other kiwi varieties and can be eaten whole, without peeling. Self fertile so doesn’t need a pollination partner.
Actinidia ‘Hayward’ – a female cultivar and the most widely grown kiwi worldwide. It’s late flowering and produces large fruits. Needs a male pollination partner.
Actinidia ‘Atlas’ – a male cultivar, suitable for planting with ‘Hayward’ for cross-pollination
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Taxus baccata (yew) is a large, evergreen and coniferous tree, often seen growing in churchyards. In gardens it’s typically grown as a hedge – it makes a fine, formal, evergreen hedging or topiary plant. As a hedge, yew provides the perfect, dark green backdrop to more colourful plants. Its dense growth habit make it the perfect shelter for nesting birds and its bright red berries are eaten by birds and grey squirrels.
All parts of the yew tree are poisonous, but it’s the berries (in particular the seeds) that contain the highest concentrations of taxine alkaloids. Birds and grey squirrels are able to eat the fruit, either eating only the flesh or passing the seed intact through their digestive system. However, it’s important to ensure that you, your children and pets do not to consume yew berries or needles, as they could cause severe illness if eaten in sufficient quantities. Yew poisoning symptoms can include:
Yew has a reputation for being slow-growing, but in the right conditions, yew hedging can grow by around 30cm per year.
Grow yew in moist but well-drained soil in full sun to full shade. Water well as the plant establishes and then you shouldn’t need to water again – yews do best in slightly drier soils as they can succumb to root rot in damper conditions. Trim established hedges in summer. Standard yew trees need very little care.
Yew has red-brown, peeling bark with purple tones. Its needle-like leaves are evergreen and grow in rows on either side of the leaf stem. While the flowers are insignificant, the bright red fruits on female trees are easy to spot. The fruits are berry-like arils, and are always open, revealing the hard seed within.
Yew trees grow to a maximum height and spread of 20m x 20m. However they may not grow this big in your lifetime – remember that a yew tree isn’t considered mature until it’s 900 years old!
When grown as a hedge, yew provides dense shelter for birds. Its fruit is eaten by birds and small mammals such as squirrels and dormice. Its leaves are a foodplant for the caterpillars of the satin beauty moth.
Choose your site carefully when planting yew, as yew trees can grow to more than 20m high and live for up to 3000 years. Yew hedges can be grown in place of fencing and walls for a lush garden boundary, while yew topiary can be grown in pots and at various points in a border, to dramatic effect.
Prepare the soil by digging it over and incorporating well-rotted manure or garden compost. Yew trees are available as potted or bare-root plants. Bare-root plants are cheaper to buy, especially when planting a hedge.
Plant in autumn or spring, spacing hedging plants 60cm apart. Firm gently around the rootball and water well. Water during dry spells in the first year, until established.
Yew does well in containers and makes an ideal shrub for a formal display such as on either side of a front door. Additional watering is necessary in pots as the roots have much less soil to search for moisture.
Yew trees need very little care once established. As long as they’re growing on a well-drained soil they will thrive without any interference from you. However hedges will need pruning and topiary specimens will need more regular intervention to maintain a desired shape.
After planting and in the first couple of years, encourage bushy growth by shortening the side branches only. Avoid cutting the growing tips (upwards growth) as this will result in a loss of vigour and cause your yew to grow very slowly for at least a couple of years.
Once your yew hedge has reached the desired height, you can start cutting the growing tips. From this point you can simply trim, using shears or a hedge trimmer. Avoid cutting back by too much as it will take a couple of years to grow back. Prune from late-spring to summer, making your last cut in September, to prevent cutting into old wood that could cause brown patches. Taper the hedge slightly to ensure light reaches the bottom of the plants.
You can propagate yew by taking semi-ripe cuttings in late summer or early autumn. Watch Monty’s video guide to taking yew cuttings.
Root rot can be fatal to yews and is caused by the fungal disease Phytopthera. The fungus attacks the roots and stops them from absorbing water, which leads to a browning of the leaves. This is most common in autumn and winter, when the soil is wetter. Always plant yew in well-drained soil to prevent this from taking hold. If you do spot leaf browning, don’t despair, as long as there are green shoots on the plants it’s not dead yet. Try to improve drainage by digging around the hedge, or move young yew plants to a better site.
Taxus baccata ‘Summergold’ – golden yellow foliage and a compact, neat habit. Ideal for rockeries. Height x Spread: 1.5m x 1.5m
Taxus baccata ‘David’ – dwarf, columnar habit with gold-edged green leaves. Male variety – does not produce berries. H x S: 4m x 1.5m
Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata Robusta’ – Irish yew has a columnar growing habit and leaves that grow all around the stem, rather than in rows, as with Taxus baccata. It will remain narrow and grow slowly. H x S: 12m x 4m